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Clibre ePub DRM - Remove ePub DRM with.
How to Strip Nook Barnes & Noble (ePuB) eBooks DRM Protection by latest version of Calibre through (ignoble ePuB) plugin.
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Estamos de luctuosa noticia, Apprentice Alf se nos retira de la scene, o al menos eso es lo que cuenta en su blog. Para aquellos que no lo sepáis, el Aprendiz de Alf
Viva eBooks!
No hay nada más molesto que tener un libro capado por un sistema tan antipático como es el DRM (Digital Right Management). Dado que éste es un invento del averno y
10.09.2012 · NO JOY: Job: 1 Read metadata (0 of 1) finished Read metadata (0 of 1) Using Library AlfCrypto Python DeDRM v6.0.0: Trying to decrypt 9780763652357-ePub.v2
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Despiojar (quitar DRM) con el Calibre.
Quitar el DRM de los libros digitales | E.
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Are you frustrating by ePub DRM-protections? Here we are going to talk about the simplest way to remove ePub DRM with Calibre in details.
E-books that you buy are usually encrypted with "Digital Rights Management," or DRM. DRM is copy protection; it's intended to keep you from making a copy of your book
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Everything you ever wanted to know about DRM and ebooks, but were afraid to ask. (by Apprentice Alf)
Calibre plugin is a good free eBook DRM remover for ePub, PDF, MOBI, etc. Follow the user guide of free eBook DRM removal software to remove DRM from eBooks step by step.
Barnes and Noble eBook Reader Everything you ever wanted to know about.
DRM Removal Tools for eBooks | Apprentice.