legal dating defference

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legal dating defference
Is there a difference between dating vs.
What's the legal difference between.
Is there a difference between dating vs seeing someoneif so, what is it? Posted: 7/24/2006 7:01:07 AM: This one you may get a bunch of different answers on, but
Learn about the legal difference between annulment and divorce at
18.04.2007 · Best Answer: i think its 16 in most statews but if you are over 18 then just date someone your own age. I think is sensible to say if you are 18 you
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I'm really wondering what is the legal age to go into a relationship with for a 16 year old? Back at school, in health class, I was told that you can
legal dating defference
Legal relationship age difference - Ask.
Legal separation is similar to divorce because, in both cases the spouses have court ordered legal responsibilities and rights that will protect them during the